The winner for February of "My handmade card" competition has been announced.
The results of February of "My handmade card" annual competition held for VISA CLASSIC and MASTERCARD STANDARD cardholders of "Converse Bank" CJSC have been summarized. The winner is a VISA CLASSIN cardholder ARMINE HRACHYAN.
For information we would like to mention that the competition is arranged for all VISA CLASSIC and MASTERCARD STANDARD cardholders of the bank, who design their cards by their own preferences through the website of the bank and the committee summarising the competition results on 5th of each months chooses the best card designed through the website of the bank during the previous month. As an award, the bank will not charge service fee of the next 12 months for the winned card.
Take part in "May handmade card" competition, design your card yourself and may be it will be recognised as a winner of the competition too.