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BANKS.AM / "Converse Bank" launched new time deposits


"Converse Bank" launched 3 new types of time deposits: "Golden Child", "Happy Future" and "Pension".

Mediamax was informed in the press service of the bank that "Golden Child" deposit is accepted in the form of item-free gold. The deposit is registered on the name of the underage child and is accepted by his/her legal representative for the term of 5-16 years at zero interest rate and with the right of periodical replenishment. Upon completion of the term, the depositor may receive the sum or the standardized bar of gold.

Minimum term of "Happy Future" deposit makes 10 years. The minimum size is 50 thousand AMD or $200. The annual interest rate for the deposit is equal to the settlement rate of "Converse Bank" (at present it makes 10%), plus 5 percentage points. The settlement rate of the bank is not stable and is revised once a month. At that, the depositors may replenish the account for the minimum sum of 100 thousand AMD or $300 each month. Upon completion of the term, the depositor may either receive the entire sum immediately or take it by established "portions", at that, interest rates will continue to be added up to the remainder.

"Pension" deposit is meant for pensioners, who want to make savings. The deposit is accepted for the term of 1 year at the interest rate of 13%. The minimum sum of the deposit makes 10 thousand AMD, the minimum sum of deposit account replenishment should fivefold exceed the initial payment. In case of pre-term termination of the deposit, recalculation at the interest rate of 6% annual is carried out.


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