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Converse Bank opened DAVTASHEN Branch


On March 12, 2013, Converse Bank’s 33rd branch was officially launched at 18/6 section, 3rd district, Davtashen. DAVTASHEN Branch is well equipped to meet modern banking service standards and is furnished with relevant equipment and skillful personnel.

The corporate customer service is segregated, which allows differentiating customers and transactions made thereby, thus offering faster service.
In addition, Converse Bank ZEYTUN Branch opened in December last year; and a better accommodated SEVAN Branch was re-launched lately at a new location.
At present Converse Bank has 15 branches in Yerevan and 18 branches is regions of Armenia, including two Postbank branches in Yerevan and Kapan.

Pursuing continuous enhancement of bank-customer relations, Converse Bank persistently improves its branches and products by offering quality services and most favorable and up-to-date conditions for customers.

Due to the customer oriented policy, the client base of the Bank has increased by more than 40% only in one year and over-performed the past-year planned target.

Another 2 new branches of Converse Bank will launch shortly in Ashtarak and Dilijan.

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