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Term deposits

"Converse Bank" CJSC offers a wide range of term deposit types, with convenient options to be chosen by the depositor.

Make  Progress and Karas deposits also online, by means of AS Internet-Bank system.

Deposits "Progres" and "Karas" as well as other types of deposits within the framework of promotions, can be made also online, without the possibility of making a deposit in favor of a third person.

Follow the GUIDELINE steps to make deposits.

Interest rates on AMD and USD deposits of Karas and Progress for more than one year through AS-Internet Banking system and Converse Mobile application are set at 0.25 և 0.15 percentage points higher than the Bank's current interest rates, respectively.

Converse Bank Deposits: 

 Deposit  Interest Rate Period



5․50% - 10․00%  AMD
0.75% - 4․00% USD
0.50% - 2․25% EUR

from 45 days to 24 months



7․25% - 9․50%AMD
2.01% - 3․40% USD

from 6 months to 24 months
 Manuk (for kids)

 11.86% AMD

3.83% USD
5-18 years
 Bareketsik apaga

12.61% AMD

4.83% USD

min 10 years
 Orakan/Daily   45-545 days
Gtnvac Yeraz/Found Dream 9.75% AMD 1 year
Cumulative Pension Deposit 11.61% AMD min 5 years

Terms and conditions

  • Deposits are accepted from individuals and legal entities, as well as from sole entrepreneurs in AMD, USD, EUR in cash or non-cash form.
  • Deposit day is considered the day of depositing funds on the account of the depositor.
  • Depositing is guaranteed by an agreement, with which the depositor gets right to demand back the deposit amount with appropriate interests.
  • If the deposit is in foreign currency, the depositor proves with an agreement, that he/she has realized and accepted possible risks of changes in foreign exchange rates.
  • The depositor can not carry out current bank operations with the deposit accounts, except increasing the deposit amount, if the deposit is attracted with the right of increasing deposit amount by the depositor.
  • You can receive account statements, information bulletins, and other information about deposits by hand, via post or e-mail, through Internet-Bank system completing the relevant "Application for receiving information".
  • Deposit interest amounts are subject to 10% taxation.
  • If a time deposit is returned before the maturity date of the deposit or till reaching the points mentioned in the bank deposit agreement, on the basis of the presented application a recalculation of interests is done with the terms as follow:

a) For the deposits "Progress" and "Daily" with demand deposit interests defined by the Bank, if nothing else is provided by the agreement.

b) For deposits with CBFR interest rate

In case of demanding to reimburse the invested deposit before a year՚s period, average balance of deposit operation process is defined, the amount settled by the Bank is charged therefrom and recalculation of that amount is performed basing on the demand deposit interest rate effective at that moment.

In case of "Bareketsik apaga" deposit, provided for cessation in Allocation part, no recalculation is performed.

  • In case of demanding after a year, recalculation of interests accumulated and paid within the previous year is carried out according to demand deposit interest rate effective in the Bank at that moment. Before that / before the beginning of the last day of the previous year / no recalculation of calculated and settled interests is carried out. In case of "Manuk" deposit bonus payment is not performed either.

c) In case of "Gtnvats yeraz" deposit recalculation is performed with 6% interest rate per annum provided for cessation at any time.

  • Beginning from the maturity date of the deposit (if there is no other task by the depositor), the deposit amount and interests become a demand deposit and are put on a demand deposit account opened in the name of the customer.
  • The Bank has not right of solely reducing the interest rate defined by the agreement of the time deposit that a citizen put for receiving back after some period, if nothing else is provided by the law.
  • The third person can put money on the deposit account in the name of the depositor in case of verifying the necessary data of the deposit account, if nothing else is provided by the agreement.
  • The depositor has right of depositing in the name of a third person according to order established by the RA legislation.

Please be informed that according to the RA law "On Financial Ombudsman" you can submit for consideration of the Financial Ombudsman your property claims for services provided you by "Converse Bank" CJSC and the amount not exceeding AMD 10 million or the equal amount in foreign currency.

For more details please contact the Head Office on the address 26/1, Vazden Sargsyan Str., Republic Square or by phone 010 511 211 as well as all the branches of the Bank on the following addresses and telephone numbers.

 On procedure and terms of the deposit compensation guarantee

Updated 23.08.2023 09:10