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The winner for April of "My handmade card" competition has been announced

19.05.2010 - The results ofApril of "My handmade card" annual competition held for VISA CLASSIC and MASTERCARD STANDARD cardholders of "Converse Bank" CJSC have been summarized.

Converse Bank

27.04.2010 - "Converse Bank" has started provision of internet-banking service e-Converse and related to the latter announces an exclusive campaign "e-Converse. Everywhere together 24/7" by September 1 including.

The winner for March of "My handmade card" competition has been announced

12.04.2010 - The results of March of "My handmade card" annual competition held for VISA CLASSIC and MASTERCARD STANDARD cardholders of "Converse Bank" CJSC have been summarized.

"Converse Bank" has defined a discount system of providing cards to depositor-customers

26.03.2010 - "Converse Bank" CJSC has defined a discount system of providing cards to depositor-customers.

The first winner of "My handmade card" competition has been announced

16.03.2010 - The results of February of "My handmade card" annual competition held for VISA CLASSIC and MASTERCARD STANDARD cardholders of "Converse Bank" CJSC have been summarized.

"Converse Bank" starts the campaign of а new term deposit "Garun" devoted to women

09.03.2010 - From March 9, 2010 to May 31, 2010 "Converse Bank" CJSC organizes campaign for acceptance of a new term deposit "Garun", devoted to women.