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Exchange and gold rates

Exchange Rates Archive


ISO (Code) Unit CB Rate Cash Non-Cash
GEL 1 - 133 153 135 153
USD 1 388.60 385 391 384 391
EUR 1 416.73 409 425 409 423
GBP 1 485.98 476 498 476 493
RUB 1 4.22 4.07 4.33 4.11 4.34
AUD 1 253.60 239 259 247 259
CAD 1 284.02 271 288 279 288
JPY 10 - 24.4 25.4
CHF 1 425.54 408 433 416 433
CNY 1 53.63 50 57
AED 1 105.80 97 116

on-cash gold

gram 28638 29672

Standardized gold bar (fineness 999.9)

Unit (gram) Price for gold bar (AMD)
5 191,380.00
10 379,800.00
20 753,670.00
50 1,854,500.00
100 3,649,670.00
      At certain branches, card systems and electronic exchange devices the Bank might set exchange rates different from those specified herein. You can get information about the exchange rates applied at the respective branches, card systems and electronic exchange devices from the Bank`s call center or by visiting the branch.